/ Thursday, September 06, 2007
Army Open House 2007 - Battle Ride World
I am involved in the Battle Ride World of this year Army Open House by ferrying civilians in my Bionx around "the battlefield". You may think that it was a simple job for me and other operators - we just need to drive the BX around. But the truth is not. The most xiong part was the preparation of the vehicles. Everyday in the early morning, we must mount all the guns onto the BX and we were shortage of man power. To aggravate the situation, we were told to break track in the mist of AOH. When all the civilians went home, we had to dismount all the weapons and park the vehicles back to position. We usually released at around 10 pm. I am so proud of ourselves that we manage to pull through this big project with so little manpower. Armour! AHQ!
BX operators posing on side of BX!
Wei Hong and me posing with his Bronco..
BX operators on top of BX!
take 2!
Eddie and me..
/ORD loh!
8:24 PM
Inlora's summer break outing

Last last Saturday, we went to a bar to talk rot and play after we had dinner at Hans (of Far East). Everyone did stupid things as punishment for the game "7-up". Wee Tit's one was the highlight! We really have a great time..
/ORD loh!
8:12 PM
/ Monday, August 27, 2007
Army Open House 2007
I will be driving BX in the Battle Ride World of AOH 2007!
/ORD loh!
8:36 PM
/ Friday, August 17, 2007
Amazing Video..
/ORD loh!
11:11 PM
/ Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Happy National Day
I am doing COS duty during on National Day. Luckily, I will be awarded a day off. Actually, I did guard duty during last year National Day. I am spending my 2 National Days of my 2 year of NS in SG camp - is it a coincident?
/ORD loh!
8:38 PM
/ Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Worn out knee
I suffered worn out knee because I had been running on hard floor for quite a long time. Finally, during my usual run on last Sunday night, my knee experienced a sharp pain. I went to doctor yesterday and he told me my knee had worn out. I should rest and recover. No more running on hard floor - only run on track or swim. Guess I should really rest this time..
/ORD loh!
10:32 PM
NDP Preview Fireworks!
I went out with my army friends to eat at City Hall and we were lucky to catch the spectacular fireworks of NDP. Together with a lot of people at the empty space near the Marina Square, we were mesmerized by the wonderful display of light and sound. The whole event last for at least 15 minutes and it was really worth our standing and waiting.

/ORD loh!
10:57 AM
Events for the Month of July..
My sister had finally graduated from NUS with Bachelor of Science (first class hons) last last week. It was really a happy moment for my family. I am really proud of her. Hope that (and I must) do well in NTU.. haha..

A picture speaks more than a thousand words, furthermore there are 3 pictures! =.="
Hm.. actually I just returned from 42 SAR Atech last week. It was a 4 days 3 night oufield package. Luckily, the troopers were well prepared - my vehicle was loaded with good civilian food. So I had to eat a little portion of the combat ration. In conclusion of the exercise, I disliked driving with NVD - nothing but green.. headache..
/ORD loh!
3:07 PM