NDP Preview Fireworks!
I went out with my army friends to eat at City Hall and we were lucky to catch the spectacular fireworks of NDP. Together with a lot of people at the empty space near the Marina Square, we were mesmerized by the wonderful display of light and sound. The whole event last for at least 15 minutes and it was really worth our standing and waiting.

/ORD loh!
10:57 AM
Events for the Month of July..
My sister had finally graduated from NUS with Bachelor of Science (first class hons) last last week. It was really a happy moment for my family. I am really proud of her. Hope that (and I must) do well in NTU.. haha..

A picture speaks more than a thousand words, furthermore there are 3 pictures! =.="
Hm.. actually I just returned from 42 SAR Atech last week. It was a 4 days 3 night oufield package. Luckily, the troopers were well prepared - my vehicle was loaded with good civilian food. So I had to eat a little portion of the combat ration. In conclusion of the exercise, I disliked driving with NVD - nothing but green.. headache..
/ORD loh!
3:07 PM